What’s Behind the Detox Craze?
While studying search engine trends worldwide, searches for “What is Detoxification?” is considered a “breakout” category. That means that there’s not a scale available to measure the increased volume in just 10 years! With that knowledge, lets dive into detoxification!
Detoxification Defined
Toxins in the body can lead to chronic conditions. Obesity, diabetes, depression, digestive disorders, infertility, hormonal imbalances, allergies, and cancer risks increase. It is important to detoxify your body on a regular basis to promote optimal health. Detoxification does not have to involve uncomfortable programs. This may mean drinking green juice or lemon water followed by painful withdrawal symptoms.
While that’s true of some detox plans, there are many diet and lifestyle choices you can make daily to improve your ability to detoxify. Substances (toxins) from the environment, food supply, and lifestyle habits can compromise our health. Natural detox is a constant process by which the liver filters these substances. Our body must process toxins created from daily metabolism as well as external toxins. Our body’s process of self-cleansing also requires adequate nutrients.
Macro or micronutrient deficiencies can impair this process. For example, people with a low protein in the body have difficulty with the elimination of toxins. This is why most formal detoxification programs include some type of nutritional support. Think about your environment and any personal habits that may increase toxicity. Your chances of developing health issues increase with use of toxic substances ingested with foods, or inhaled.
How the Body Absorbs Toxins
When your body absorbs toxins, it can overwhelm your system. You can change your lifestyle to promote healthier, nontoxic living. The first step is to become more aware of the common toxins in our everyday world:
- Medications (over-the-counter and prescription)
- New carpets and furniture
- Household cleaners
- Laundry detergents and dryer sheets
- Cosmetics and nail polish
- Lotions, deodorants, and hair products
- Dry cleaned clothes and unwashed new clothes
- Processed and convenience foods
- Plastics of all types
- Bug killers and pesticides
- Lawn and garden products
- Microwave radiation
- Paints, dyes, and tattoos
- Bedding and mattresses
- Artificial sweeteners
- Mold
How to Eliminate Toxins
To reduce toxins through diet start decreasing your intake of processed foods while increasing whole foods. For example, have a large green salad daily with olive oil and lemon (or vinegar) to put you on the path to healthy eating.
The next option is to start your day with items like shakes, fresh nuts, berries, coconut shreds, lemon, flax seeds, avocado, or ginger. Once you begin eliminating your exposure to everyday food toxins you will boost energy, thinking, and crave food less. The goal is to do a little each day to enhance your health and give your body what it needs to remain healthy.