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Naturopathic Doctor vs Holistic Doctor: What’s The Difference?

You want to improve your health naturally. But you don’t know where to start. What kind of doctor should you choose? It’s time to look at the difference between a naturopathic doctor vs holistic doctor.

Naturopathic doctors and holistic doctors both offer nutritional and other natural strategies to improve your health, alongside other treatment options. Naturopathic and holistic medicine are both forms of complementary or integrative medicine, which refers to treatment options offered alongside conventional medical practices. Naturopathic medicine can also be used as alternative medicine, offering treatments used in place of conventional medicine.

There is a major overlap between naturopathic medicine and holistic medicine, but there are also some distinct differences. To help you choose the right practitioner for your needs, we want to uncover the differences between these different types of practitioners.

What Is a Naturopathic Doctor?

Naturopathic medicine is a distinct part of our healthcare system. Naturopathic doctors (NDs) use the combination of the wisdom of nature and the knowledge from modern science to help patients achieve optimal health. Naturopathic doctors are trained to diagnose, prevent, and treat acute and chronic illnesses by relying on your body’s wisdom and inherent self-healing process (1).

Education and Training

To become a licensed naturopathic doctor, practitioners need to attend and graduate from federally accredited naturopathic medical schools. These are four-year, professional-level programs. Then they must take and pass the Naturopathic Physicians Licensing Examinations (NPLEX), which include basic sciences, diagnostics subjects, therapeutic topics, and clinical sciences.

Regulation of naturopathic medicine depends on each state. Currently, 26 states and the District of Columbia have strict regulations and require those practicing naturopathy to be licensed naturopathic doctors. Florida, Tennessee, and South Carolina prohibit the practice of naturopathy. In the remaining states licensed naturopathic doctors, naturopathic doctors without a license, and practitioners using naturopathic principles can freely practice without regulations (2).

Core Principles and Practices

Naturopathic doctors focus on natural healing methods, including herbs, nutrition, and lifestyle changes. Instead of putting a bandaid on your symptoms, naturopathic doctors aim to address the root cause of your illness. Prevention is their key focus.

They treat your body, mind, and spirit, instead of just your body. Collaboration and patient education is the key part of their work. Naturopathic doctors can support your health through individual treatment plans which may include dietary recommendations, lifestyle changes, herbal remedies, supplementation, and mental wellness tips (1, 3).

What Is a Holistic Doctor?

Holistic doctors are physicians who have undergone conventional medical training and who use a whole-body approach to medicine. Holistic doctors are medical doctors with a Doctor of Medicine (MD) or Doctor of Osteopathy (DO) who use methods of traditional medicine but also incorporate strategies that improve your diet, lifestyle, sleep, and stress levels to achieve health.

Definition and Scope

A holistic medicine doctor will treat you holistically, which means that they focus on your body, mind, and spirit when working with you. They offer patient-centered care.

They may use principles of holistic and integrative medicine, which is an evidence-based approach to treat the whole person. They may also draw from functional medicine, which is a systems biology-based approach that aims to find the root cause of your issues and address them.

Besides medical doctors who use holistic principles, other health practitioners, including chiropractors, acupuncturists, and health coaches, may use similar approaches to holistic health.

Range of Practices

Holistic doctors offer a range of practices and a blend of treatments while treating you as a whole person. You may receive traditional treatment, including diagnostic tests and medication. You may be recommended dietary tips, lifestyle recommendations, sleep strategies, an exercise plan, and stress management strategies.

They may recommend supplementation or other nutrition advice. They may offer complimentary treatment for holistic healing, including physical therapy, bodywork, acupuncture, massage therapy, spinal manipulation, yoga, music therapy, art therapy, mindfulness strategies, nutrition advice, and mental health care. In short, their approach involves conventional, alternative, and complementary methods.

Key Differences Between Naturopathic and Holistic Doctors

There are many similarities between naturopathic and holistic doctors. There are also some differences. Less compare naturopathic doctors vs holistic doctors.

Approach to Treatment

Naturopathic doctors focus on natural remedies and preventive care. They believe that your body has an inherent ability to heal itself when it’s supported with proper nutrition, supplementation, lifestyle changes, and other natural treatments. Naturopathic doctors use natural therapies, including nutritional strategies, herbal medicine, lifestyle changes, exercise, homeopathy, and acupuncture.

The view of holistic medicine is broader. They look at you, the patient, as a whole person with the belief that everything — your body, mind, and spirit — are interconnected and should all be addressed to achieve health. Holistic primary care doctors use both conventional medicine and alternative therapies. Their conventional approaches may include diagnostics, pharmaceuticals, and surgery. Their complementary treatments may include but are not limited to nutritional advice, acupuncture, meditation, mindfulness, and bodywork.

Types of Patients and Conditions Treated

There are also some differences in patient demographics and the types of conditions a naturopathic doctor vs a holistic doctor may treat. Naturopathic doctors often work with people who seek preventative care, individuals with chronic health conditions who seek natural approaches, and health enthusiasts. They may focus on chronic disease management, hormonal imbalances, digestive issues, immune system problems, and mental health difficulties. They also work with general wellness.

Patients who visit holistic doctors tend to look for comprehensive care. They often face complex, multifaceted, or chronic health conditions. Many are interested in holistic well-being and may be health enthusiasts. Holistic doctors treat chronic and complex conditions, lifestyle-related health issues, acute conditions, and routine conditions. They also offer preventative care.

How to Choose the Right Practitioner for You

Choosing the right health practitioner can be a difficult decision. What’s the best choice for you? A naturopathic doctor, or a holistic doctor?

Assessing Your Health Needs

To choose between a naturopathic doctor and a holistic doctor, you have to understand your specific health goals and needs. Are you looking for a natural approach with dietary tips, lifestyle changes, and herbal medicine? Or are you looking for a broader integrative approach that combines conventional medicine with complementary or alternative medicine?

If you are looking for a purely natural approach, a naturopathic doctor may be the right fit for you. If you are looking for the best of both worlds, traditional and complementary medicine, you may want to work with a doctor who adheres to holistic medicine philosophies. Understanding your personal health priorities and your personal approach to your health and well-being can guide you in choosing the doctor that is aligned with your needs.

Consulting with Both

Consulting both a naturopathic doctor and a holistic doctor may be the best approach to finding the practitioner that fits your own health preferences and goals. During these initial consultations, you can discuss your current symptoms and health concerns, your goals, and your treatment preferences. You can ask your doctor about their treatment approach and personal health philosophy. These consultations can help you make an informed decision about which approach aligns with your preferences and health philosophy and which practitioner is the best for your personal health journey.

Common Misconceptions

Discussing the topic of naturopathic doctor vs holistic doctor, it’s important to address some common misconceptions and clarify some overlaps.

Clarifying Overlaps

One of the main misconceptions is that naturopathic medicine and holistic medicine are two very distinct fields. While there are some major differences in training and approaches, there is even more overlap between the two.

Both naturopathic medicine and holistic medicine prioritize treating the whole person to achieve optimal health. It’s their approach to do this that differs. Naturopathic medicine focuses on natural remedies and preventative care. Their tools include herbal medicine, nutrition, and lifestyle strategies.

Holistic doctors, on the other hand, use a broader range of practices, including traditional medicine and natural therapies. Their complimentary treatment methods may go beyond herbs, nutrition, and lifestyle, which naturopathic doctors emphasize. However, their philosophies of health may still intersect with naturopathic medicine.

Insurance and Costs

The costs of your care may vary on your health concerns, treatment needs, and your location. The initial consultation with a naturopathic doctor may range from $100 and $300. Specialized testing, naturopathic treatment, herbal supplements, and follow-up visits can add additional costs.

Your insurance coverage for naturopathic services can vary based on your health plan and region. In some states, some health insurance plans may cover care from a licensed naturopathic doctor, but this is not the case for all states and all plans.

A holistic doctor may be more expensive than a naturopathic doctor. Initial consultations tend to range between $150 and $500. Specialized testing, follow-up visits, and treatment can add additional costs. Since holistic doctors offer more services within both conventional and alternative care, costs can add up.

Insurance coverage for holistic care may depend on your doctor’s qualifications, treatments provided, and your health insurance plan. If your holistic doctor is an MD or DO, you have a better chance of some insurance coverage. However, it’s critical that you verify your insurance plan’s coverage and potential out-of-pocket expenses before beginning treatment.

Holistic and Naturopathic Doctors: Atlanta, GA

At Progressive Medical Center, we functional, integrative, and holistic medicine for the whole family. We have a diverse staff of holistic doctors, naturopathic doctors, registered dietitians, physical therapists, and other practitioners to offer well-rounded care. We accept most insurance and offer affordable financial plans to allow you to get the best care you need.

Find Naturopathic and Holistic Doctors Near You

Naturopathic doctors and holistic doctors both prioritize treating you as a whole person and they both offer natural strategies for optimal wellness. Naturopathic doctors use nutrition, herbal medicine, and lifestyle strategies. Holistic doctors offer a broader range of practices, including conventional and alternative treatments, such as nutrition, lifestyle, herbal remedies, meditation, acupuncture, and bodywork.

Though there are some distinct differences between the two fields, their health philosophies intersect. If you are looking to find out if working with a holistic or naturopathic doctor in Atlanta is right for you, we invite you to set up an appointment with us here. At our office with have integrative and functional medicine doctors with a holistic approach and naturopathic doctors — You can find what works best for you.