Antioxidants and Your Health
Dr. Burdette here, I am just back from Seattle where I have the privilege of sharing the clinical success of Progressive Medical Center with other doctors from around the country. I am currently involved in a lecture series that will have been done in 20 different cities and 7 different countries by the end of the year. It is a testament to the success and cutting-edge nature of what is being done at Progressive Medical.
Doctors all over the world want to know more about what is done here. In this lecture series I focused on the impact of antioxidants and health. While we have all known that things like green tea, blueberries and rich colored vegetables (like spinach) are good for us, it is difficult to know if we are getting enough.
It is well known that an imbalance of antioxidants to free radicals is at the heart of most degenerative conditions, as well as the major conditions we are trying to prevent such as heart disease and cancer. However, it has been almost impossible to clinically assess until now. Because of this need for patient care, Progressive has been at the forefront for developing panels that can test your antioxidant capacity in different areas of the body.
These markers are established by thousands of studies, but have only been available in a research setting until recently. Progressive is one of the first clinics to start assessing markers that play the central role in developing neurologic, cardiovascular, cancers as well as fatigue and depression.
When you ask our physician, “What testing was done that helps me prevent major conditions I may succumb to,” the answer is often nothing. Common testing done tells us if we have a disease, not how to prevent it. Progressive Medical Center is the first to be able to say we are taking an active role in not just disease treatment but researched, validated, methods of prevention.
For more information contact us at 770-676-6000 or visit our website.
Dr. Cheryl Burdette