
Let’s Make the Common Cold Less Common

Let’s Make the Common Cold Less Common

The common cold robs us of our days, lowers our energy, and leaves us feeling generally unwell. The common cold is spread either by direct contact with infected secretions from contaminated surfaces or by inhaling the airborne virus after individuals sneeze or cough. Person-to-person transmission often occurs when an individual who has a cold blows or touches their nose and then touches someone or something else.
What’s Behind the Detox Craze?

What’s Behind the Detox Craze?

While studying search engine trends worldwide, searches for “What is Detoxification?” is considered a “breakout” category. That means that there’s not a scale available to measure the increased volume in just 10 years! With that knowledge, let's dive into detoxification!
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, A Life With No Drive!

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, A Life With No Drive!

Chronic fatigue syndrome is a debilitating condition in which the will for life is present, but the ability to follow that will is gone. It is an isolating condition in which one “looks” normal, or even has many blood tests that also “look” normal resulting in doctors telling patients, “You are fine, it’s all in your head.”


What is prediabetes? Is this an actual diagnosis? Isn’t diabetes similar to pregnancy in that you either are or you aren’t? you either have diabetes or you don’t? Prediabetes is a warning sign not of things to happen but of the path you are currently on.
Breast Health Is Total Health!

Breast Health Is Total Health!

Many questions are unanswered about who will get breast cancer and why. However, there are many well-researched facts that help with the prevention and overall health of the breast. Breast tissue is a sensitive type of tissue that responds to hormones' stimulus to environmental toxicity.
Toxic Times!

Toxic Times!

The times we live in are toxic. We no longer live on the same planet our ancestors lived on. The world we face is laden with pesticides, metals and chemicals. Our country allows almost 300 different chemicals to be added to our foods, whereas our European counterparts allow less than 20. Other countries have banned the genetic modification of foods, whereas our country funds the genetic modification of food.
What Is SIBO?

What Is SIBO?

SIBO, small intestinal bacterial overgrowth, is defined as an increase in the number of bacteria, and/or changes in the types of bacteria present in the small bowel. In most patients, SIBO is not caused by a single type of bacteria, but is an overgrowth of the various types of bacteria that should normally be found in the colon. Less commonly, SIBO results from an increase in the otherwise normal bacteria of the small bowel.
Holidays Without Weight Gain

Holidays Without Weight Gain

The holidays are here, and it is time for cheer. However, that cup of cheer might soon bring fear when we add up all the extra calories that show up all around. From Christmas cookies to Christmas stress, there are many reasons that our bellies grow and create the need for the same New Year’s resolution as last year, to lose more weight. Don’t start off behind.
Unlock Your Genetic Code

Unlock Your Genetic Code

So many times we know someone who begins a treatment and it doesn’t work, or it creates terrible side effects and the treatment ends up being worse than the condition itself. Doctors often say it is called the “practice” of medicine because they have to practice to get it right. Each person is unique and therefore each treatment and intervention will act in a unique way in their body.
Menopausal Relief Without Hormones

Menopausal Relief Without Hormones

Many women suffer common menopausal symptoms such as hot flashes, night sweats, vaginal dryness, and mood swings, yet are not sure they want to “mess with Mother Nature” and take hormones. There are safe, natural approaches to relieving the symptoms and improving hormonal balance that every woman can incorporate into her lifestyle.
Vitamins and Immune Health

Vitamins and Immune Health

Every time we turn on the news we hear about the constant threats to our immune system. We often wonder how at risk we are, and whether or not certain vaccines will help. The impression given is that we there is no rhyme or reason to who the next virus or epidemic will infect. One piece of the puzzle that is being neglected is the importance of the immune system.
Why Evaluate Adrenal Function?

Why Evaluate Adrenal Function?

Chronic stress can wear down the body, causing fatigue, hormonal imbalance, and insomnia. The adrenal glands determine how well your body handles stress and testing your adrenal function is the first step in restoring your energy levels.