Back to School and Back to You
With schools off to a start busy families and parents have been consumed with getting the right notebooks, lunch boxes and schedules together. With so many moving pieces that come along with back to school, it is easy to forget about oneself.
As children go back to school, make a commitment to get back to you. Move your focus from getting everyone else together to getting yourself together.
Tonight’s show will focus on the top 10 things you should do to reset your health. We will also discuss how to fit them into a busy schedule and make them work. We will share some of our favorite tips for fast and furious but healthy as well.
Many studies show that it is not the amount of stress we are under but how our body perceives the stress that impacts our health. We will review how to understand the impact that stress has on your immune system, brain and how it can accelerate aging if not managed correctly.
Stress has real consequences and part of protecting yourself is by measuring and understanding how it is effecting you and your tissue”s health. Learn about new tools such as brain mapping and different nutritional choices that can help you to minimize how you perceive the stress and maximize your resistance to one of the greatest health disruptors known.
Make this years back to school season, a back to you season.