Hormone Health Nationwide!
Other ways to balance hormones naturally include getting enough sleep, avoiding too much light at night, managing stress, exercising regularly, and engaging in other health-promoting behaviors such as meditating and getting enough sleep34.
There are many supplements that can help balance hormones naturally. Some of the best herb and vitamin supplements for natural hormonal balance include magnesium, vitamin D, zinc, B vitamins, iodine, ashwagandha, rhodiola rosea, probiotics, evening primrose oil, black cohosh and vitex12.
Brazil nuts are a great source of selenium which is crucial to hormone balance and support for overall thyroid health3. Walnuts are anti-inflammatory and rich in omega-3 fatty acids which promote good brain health3. Almonds provide healthy sources of protein3.
These are all ways to help keep your hormones in balance and maintain that state. Many times your system may need to be reset first through hormone replacement. Bioidentical hormone replacement tends to have fewer side effects and be more efficacious than traditional hormone therapy which uses synthetic hormones because of how the bioidentical hormones more closely mimic those in the human body. It’s worth coming into your favorite integrative and functional medicine clinic in Atlanta, Progressive Medical Center to get checked- especially if you’ve been feeling stressed, fatigued, or out of sorts.