model of an ozone molecule with O3

Major Autohemotherapy: Using Ozone for Health






Ozone therapy is nothing new, it’s been around for years. In fact, in the 19th century, it was discovered that ozone could be used to sterilize water and was proposed as an alternative mechanism for water purification. Ozone therapy was applied to medicine first with minor autohemotherapy, where a small amount of blood is removed from the body, ozonated, and then returned via injection. Autohemotherapy and ozone therapy are the same thing in this context. This process had tremendous healing properties for localized infections and areas of damaged cells. Those successes spurred research into Major Autohemotherapy (MAH), where a larger amount of blood is removed, ozonated, and returned to the body via IV. Since the ozonation is done over a larger volume of blood, the positive impact on the body can be that much greater, and more systemic problems can be addressed.


So what is the Autohemotherapy process? How does it work? Are there any Autohemotherapy side effects? Ozone (O3) is an allotrope of oxygen. When introduced to the blood, ozone binds to structures in the blood that can cause disease states: L-ascorbate, uric acid, and lipids. That, combined with the natural antioxidative pathways of the human body, means that when it is introduced to blood, it dissipates rapidly- in only 5 minutes, having done its job. This is why blood is removed from the body and then ozonated. This allows the ozonation to work its magic on the body with no deleterious effects when the blood is reintroduced back into the body. It’s a safe procedure with no side effects. The ozonation process of Major Autohemotherapy has many benefits. Autohemotherapy effectiveness makes it the safest and most successful way to administer ozone therapy, as borne out by science: 


“Ozone in the blood (ozonated blood) is the best way through which to use ozone as a successful adjunct treatment, because it is rapidly quenched by TAS, leaving only bioactive intermediates such as 4-HNE and malonyl dialdehyde (MDA) and triggering the Nrf2 signaling system.” (Biology (Basel) 11 Dec 2023). 


The Nrf2 signaling system is extremely important for health. It’s the master regulator of the antioxidant response; regulates anti-inflammatory effects by regulating calcium ions, mitochondrial oxidative stress, and other processes; regulates detoxification; and regulates target genes involved in proteasomal and autophagic function, iron, lipid, and carbohydrate metabolism, and DNA repair. This is why functional and integrative medicine utilizes Major Autohemotherapy for so many conditions. It’s safe, has excellent results, and can be effective for so many conditions. No one is more trusted than Progressive Medical Center for Major Autohemotherapy in Atlanta. Let’s take a look at the Autohemotherapy effectiveness for a range of medical problems:


Autohemotherapy for immune support- Because it triggers the Nrf2 signaling system, MAH helps regulate inflammation and oxidative stress. Inflammation is a function of immune response, and oxidative stress can lead to inflammation and break down cells. “The best performance exhibited by the adjunct medical treatment with ozone, regards, as reported also in the evidence above, its ability to reduce and often removing pain, in addition to motor disability, discomfort and fatigue, commonly associated with chronic inflammatory and/or immune pathologies” (Biology (Basel) 11 Dec 2023). The ability of MAH to support the immune system and potentially control immune overreaction means that Autohemotherapy for chronic illness can be one of its most important applications.


Autohemotherapy for infection- Anything that decreases inflammation, can decrease the risk that the body overreacts to infection. Beyond that, “Ozonated formulations can directly kill bacteria in infected wounds” and “ ozone used in many oxygen-ozone therapy approaches, such as major autohemotherapy …., targets inflammatory mechanisms by acting on more complex intracellular signaling pathways, modulating the interplay between Nrf2/NF-κB and the mitochondria-associated inflammasome NLRP3, occurring for viral diseases and other inflammatory pathologies” and “Ozone showed the ability to promote almost complete healing of these patients upon whom the recommended antibiotic therapy did not work optimally.” (all from the above-cited source) All of this means that MAH has been demonstrated to kill both bacteria and viruses in infection- even when antibiotics can’t.


Autohemotherapy for detoxification- By improving circulation and oxygen utilization, Major Autohemotherapy can enhance the body’s natural detoxification processes. This is partly because when ozone breaks down it converts to oxygen. When this oxygenated blood is returned to the body, it can also stimulate circulation and ROS, which means that the body’s natural antioxidative systems are stimulated, and free radicals are reduced. These processes can not only help overall oxidative stress but support the liver and kidneys in their functions, like eliminating toxins.


Autohemotherapy for cardiovascular health- Many chronic inflammatory conditions can be associated with blood and oxygen circulation. Heart Disease in particular, can be rooted in chronic inflammation. As we have seen, Major Autohemotherapy can be very effective at decreasing inflammation. In addition, there have been studies that noted several functions of ozone treatment that can improve cardiac health. In patients with coronary artery disease, ozone therapy significantly improved the upregulation of adenosine A2 receptors, and Increased SOD and catalase enzyme activity (which decrease oxidative stress). Both of these functions improve cardiac health. (Smith, et al., Med Gas Res.2017 Jul-Sep). Vascular health studies have demonstrated that autohemotherapy improves oxygen flow, which improves lung function, blood flow to the brain, scleroderma, and edema. In fact, it appears that MAH can significantly decrease edema in the extremities and even help repair capillary and microcapillary function (Felice Galluccio, Cureus. 2022 Nov).


Autohemotherapy for skin conditions- “Ozone is frequently used as a complementary therapy for various cutaneous diseases, including infectious skin diseases, wound healing, eczema, dermatitis, psoriasis, axillary osmidrosis, diabetic foot, and pressure ulcers. In addition, several studies have reported the superior potential of ozone therapy for improving skin and gut microbiomes, as well as antitumor and anti aging treatment. Ozone therapy is an emerging treatment strategy that acts via complex mechanisms, including antioxidant effects, immunomodulatory capacity, and modulation of local microcirculation.” (Liu, et al, Int Wound J. 2023 Aug). Both MAH and local treatments with ozone have the capacity to greatly improve skin conditions, as well as to keep skin healthy overall.


Autohemotherapy for anti-aging- One way that autohemotherapy can boost antiaging is its effectiveness at keeping the skin healthier. According to a randomized controlled clinical study, MAH may be a safe and effective treatment for dry age-related macular degeneration (Borelli, et al, Int J Ophthalmology 2012). MAH can boost antioxidant effects in the body, and decrease inflammation, which is so critical for so many chronic illnesses. Ozone therapy can also improve blood circulation and oxygen delivery to tissues, which can promote cell regeneration and rejuvenation. Increased oxygenation may lead to improved skin elasticity, reduced wrinkles, and a more youthful appearance.


Autohemotherapy and chronic fatigue- MAH can help modulate the immune system, which is thought to be a key factor in CFS. In one study, 77.5% of patients treated with Autohemotherapy experienced significant improvements in fatigue, with an average improvement of 4–6 points on the Fatigue Severity Scale (FSS) (Tirelli, et al, 13 Sep 2018 in Ozone Therapy). In another study, 43.5% of patients improved from the worst possible score (7) to the best (1) on the FSS. No patients reported any side effects, and fatigue improvements persisted for at least three months after treatment. (Tirelli, et al, J Clin Med. 2021 Dec 22).


Autohemotherapy and Lyme disease- Lyme disease is a complex condition that is difficult to treat but often involves long-term antibiotic treatment. Its basis is thought to be bacterial and transmitted through tick bites. MAH has been demonstrated to be effective against bacteria in the body, including difficult-to-treat varieties. In fact, one case study reported in medical journals reported the successful treatment of Lyme disease using ozone therapy, which resulted in the complete disappearance of the disease (Robert Jay Rowen, MD, Med Gas Res. 2018 Jul-Sep). More research is needed, but the results have been promising, and it makes sense given ozone’s antibacterial properties.


Autohemotherapy and cancer support- “Over several decades, prestigious journals have published in vitro studies on the capacity of ozone to induce direct damage on tumor cells and, as well, to enhance the effects of radiotherapy and chemotherapy.” (Clavo, et al, Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2018). In addition to the efficacy that MAH may have for cancer treatment, it may also have a role in cancer support and recovery, especially in those undergoing or those who have undergone chemo.


If you are looking for Autohemotherapy practitioners in Atlanta, Progressive Medical Center can help. We are known for offering advanced therapies in integrative medicine (including MAH), and immune system support therapies. Progressive is your home for functional health treatments in Atlanta.