
Quality Multivitamin Checklist

Quality Multivitamin Checklist

Its a buyer beware market, so how can you know if you are getting a quality multivitamin? It is at times difficult to know because it comes down to how reputable is the manufacturer.
Natural Hormone Therapy For Anti-aging

Natural Hormone Therapy For Anti-aging

Many of us think once we are older we should just be more tired, or maybe we should just gain more weight. We write off feeling good to be a natural consequence of aging.
Good Supplement, Bad Supplement

Good Supplement, Bad Supplement

With news articles circulating and information whirling about supplements, their quality, and efficacy it becomes increasingly difficult for a person to know if they should be on supplements and even more difficult which ones they should be on.
Antibiotics Concerns

Antibiotics Concerns

All antibiotics have side effects. What differentiates this class of antibiotics from others is its ability to cause severe adverse reactions that can disable patients and even cause death.
Anti-aging From Within

Anti-aging From Within

For many the consequences of aging seem inconvenient to devastating. Maintaining our youth is synonymous with maintaining energy and health so we are able to stay fully engaged in life.
Healthy Goals for the New Year

Healthy Goals for the New Year

Another year has gone by and once again we have the opportunity to embrace a fresh season of life. Every year as January 1st approaches many Americans begin to ponder what it will take to achieve new goals.
Seasonal Affective Disorder and the Holidays

Seasonal Affective Disorder and the Holidays

Joy to the world! ‘Tis the season to be jolly! Festive music fills the air; holiday cheer abounds. Everyone is happy at holiday time — right? Wrong. Truth be told, many people feel lonely, sad, anxious, and depressed at this time of year. How can this be?
Holidays Without Weight Gain

Holidays Without Weight Gain

The holidays are here, and it is time for cheer. However, that cup of cheer might soon bring fear when we add up all the extra calories that show up all around. From Christmas cookies to Christmas stress, there are many reasons that our bellies grow and create the need for the same New Year’s resolution as last year, to lose more weight. Don’t start off behind.
Unlock Your Genetic Code

Unlock Your Genetic Code

So many times we know someone who begins a treatment and it doesn’t work, or it creates terrible side effects and the treatment ends up being worse than the condition itself. Doctors often say it is called the “practice” of medicine because they have to practice to get it right. Each person is unique and therefore each treatment and intervention will act in a unique way in their body.
Menopausal Relief Without Hormones

Menopausal Relief Without Hormones

Many women suffer common menopausal symptoms such as hot flashes, night sweats, vaginal dryness, and mood swings, yet are not sure they want to “mess with Mother Nature” and take hormones. There are safe, natural approaches to relieving the symptoms and improving hormonal balance that every woman can incorporate into her lifestyle.
Vitamins and Immune Health

Vitamins and Immune Health

Every time we turn on the news we hear about the constant threats to our immune system. We often wonder how at risk we are, and whether or not certain vaccines will help. The impression given is that we there is no rhyme or reason to who the next virus or epidemic will infect. One piece of the puzzle that is being neglected is the importance of the immune system.
Why Evaluate Adrenal Function?

Why Evaluate Adrenal Function?

Chronic stress can wear down the body, causing fatigue, hormonal imbalance, and insomnia. The adrenal glands determine how well your body handles stress and testing your adrenal function is the first step in restoring your energy levels.