Hormones are the oil in our engine. With age, they naturally decline. This doesn’t mean we have to dwindle in energy and be destined to feel like a dried-up leaf waiting to hopeless fall from a tree.
Ever heard the term, “having a senior moment?” Have you decided not being as sharp as you were is natural, and this is something that happens to everyone? This is not the case.
The impact of sugar has become epidemic. Diabetes costs our health care system 254 billion a year according to the American Association of Diabetes. Its consequences are devastating, from loss of vision, feeling, kidney function, and most of all quality of life.
There is a single diagnosis that terrifies us all, and that is cancer. But even with that singular diagnosis, there is no “one size fits all” approach.
50% of women will have breast cancer cells in their breasts by age 40-50. These are the findings on autopsy when a female dies unexpectantly in a car wreck. However, 50% of all women do not go on to have a full-blown diagnosis of breast cancer.
Attention Deficit Disorder with hyperactivity has moved to a being a condition of medical management rather than a condition of helping the child with management. One of the key places that pharmaceutical agents are recruiting drug reps from to sell medications for ADD is councilors at schools.
Do not feel that you are merely a victim of your gut. Gut health is a battle we can win and is largely responsive to changes we ourselves can make. Gut health is global health, and there are simple steps that can help you to reclaim the health that is yours.
Anxiety and Depression affect millions of people. However, many of the medications recommended have a black box warning or medical warning indicating that the same medications that are used to treat depression may cause suicide.
Fats have a myriad of beneficial roles. The risk for sudden cardiac death is reduced by up to 90% in individuals with the highest HS-Omega-3 Index, or those who have healthy fats, and there is growing evidence for an association between omega-3 biostatus and other conditions such as cellular aging, dry eye, macular degeneration, dementia, depression, joint health, etc.
Our modern nutrition has led us to believe that fat is bad. However, the brain is made of fat as is every nerve in our body and the membrane of every cell.
Cellular therapy is hot right now. Every attentive medical professional, health-minded individual, athlete, and people wanting to age well are aware of antioxidants, free radicals, the importance of cellular health, and their importance to a healthy body, rejuvenation, and anti-aging. The cellular level is where all of our energy is made. Each cell determines how long an organ is going to live, and how well it will function. Understanding the cell gives us another window into metabolism, nutrition, and longevity. With improvements in science, we are able to test and identify issues right down to a cellular level and build health from the ground floor up.