
Food Sensitivities And The Risk Of Accidental Death

Food Sensitivities And The Risk Of Accidental Death

Inflammation resulting from food allergies and sensitivities can cause inflammation and oxidative stress that might make accidental death more likely as you age.
Far Infrared Saunas For Health!

Far Infrared Saunas For Health!

Today’s modern saunas are far more comfortable than some of the ancient varieties. Heat is much more controllable, dry saunas can avoid the choking steam that can make it hard to breathe, and best of all, infrared saunas, particularly Far Infrared Saunas (FIRS) can offer a much more comfortable experience with no steam, lower heat levels, and safe directed radiant heat that can be tolerated longer and relaxes the whole body while treating a variety of conditions.
Hearing Loss Help

Hearing Loss Help

You may already have at least some hearing loss and not realize it, particularly if you are male. Perhaps you’ve been to too many loud concerts, work a job with loud background noise, or are entering middle age. A hearing test should be part of everyone’s preventative health regimen, especially as you age, yet a recent survey reported by the NIH found that among those aged 50 to 80, twice as many were planning a visit for their pet to a veterinarian as were planning to get their hearing checked.
Youthify Your Brain!!

Youthify Your Brain!!

We are all in the habit of thinking about how we can lose weight or look younger, but what about making our brains younger and more vibrant? Have you noticed as you age that you don’t remember things quite as well?
Hormone Health And Anti-aging

Hormone Health And Anti-aging

Hormone health is about total person health. One of the reasons that hormones can be so clinically useful and can even help with “Youthification” is because they turn on our own antioxidant systems in our body.
Anti-aging From Within

Anti-aging From Within

For many the consequences of aging seem inconvenient to devastating. Maintaining our youth is synonymous with maintaining energy and health so we are able to stay fully engaged in life.