Fats have a myriad of beneficial roles. The risk for sudden cardiac death is reduced by up to 90% in individuals with the highest HS-Omega-3 Index, or those who have healthy fats, and there is growing evidence for an association between omega-3 biostatus and other conditions such as cellular aging, dry eye, macular degeneration, dementia, depression, joint health, etc.
Our modern nutrition has led us to believe that fat is bad. However, the brain is made of fat as is every nerve in our body and the membrane of every cell.
You know that healthy weight loss comes as a result of regular exercise and a diet filled with plenty of fruits and vegetables.
But is anything with the word “fruit” or that contains one fruit or another a valid way to meet your fruit quota? No. Here’s proof.
Have you ever wondered…Why do so many diets end in failure? Why is it so easy to gain lost weight back? And why can’t you maintain your ideal weight at all times? Real weight loss comes with lasting, healthy lifestyle changes. So stop starving yourself, counting calories, or eliminating your favorite food group. Simply make the following lifestyle changes.
Want faster weight loss? Then do a self-guided kitchen raid. If your kitchen is stocked with the makings for healthy meals and snacks you’ll easily stay on track, even when those late-night cravings strike.
One of the most popular questions that I’m asked is, “How can I get great abs?” You may have pondered this question at some time or another.
Many people are frustrated by their waistlines, to the point of giving up after doing dozens of crunches with zero improvements.
Are there things about yourself that you’d like to change? Your weight, your habits, and maybe even your outlook on life?
We are trained to think that change is hard, that it takes time. But it really doesn’t have to be. I’m here to argue that lasting change happens in an instant.
Have trouble getting started in the morning? Feel sluggish in the afternoon? Ready to crash come evening? You’re not alone. When it comes to energy levels, foods and drinks that play the biggest role are carbohydrates, protein, water, and caffeine. Here’s how to include them in your diet.
I’m going to end the guesswork for you, once and for all, with my 5 steps to a healthy meal. By following these 5 guidelines you’ll know that your meals are healthy and fitness-friendly. And as a result, you’ll experience healthy weight loss.
Did you ever think that a salad could have more calories and fat than a serving of fried chicken? Most people believe they’re making a smart diet choice by opting for a salad, but end up sabotaging their weight loss goals.