Below is a list of 5 foods that you should never eat. These foods will derail your fitness and weight loss efforts every single time. In addition, I will suggest a healthy substitute for each of these off-limits foods. By simply swapping out the items below you will quickly and effortlessly become healthier, leaner, and fitter than you are today.
Research shows that gluten sensitivity in some form, including celiac disease and mild gluten intolerance, affects approximately 15% of the US population. These statistics are likely to be similar in Western countries with similar health issues and dietary patterns. Are you one of these people? How do you recognize gluten intolerance symptoms?
Today you have a clean slate with a brand new year spread out in front of you, filled with endless possibilities. How will you harness your potential to create the very best you? Here’s to a Happy New Year and to getting everything that you want out of 2012.
If your stomach starts rumbling and lunch is still two hours away, you’re going to need a snack to make it through the day. What you reach for at snack time can make a big difference in your energy level, weight, and overall health. Choose the wrong snack, and you’ll feel dragged down and even more tired. Choose wisely, and you’ll get the boost you need.
We wanted to share with you the new Beyond Organic product called Suero Viv for which the literal translation is “whey of life”. The main ingredient in this beverage is cultured whey. That may not mean much to you yet but by the time you finish reading this blog post you will have a much clearer understanding of why this is so important for your health.
During the holidays with additional stress and the business of the season it is easy to neglect your health. Try these tips to maintain good health for the remainder of 2011 and beginning of 2012 with a new health vision.
It is said that 80% of your weight loss results are derived from diet, and the remaining 20% from exercise—so you can see how important it is for you to stick with a healthy eating plan.
Use the following tips as your guide to eating out right:
It is well known that an imbalance of antioxidants to free radicals is at the heart of most degenerative conditions, as well as the major conditions we are trying to prevent such as heart disease and cancer.
If your stomach isn’t as flat as you’d like it to be then you have come to the right place. Exercise alone will not get you a toned stomach – diet is a huge part of the equation. Below we have compiled 5 very easy tweaks to your eating habits that will dramatically flatten your abs.