
Do You Make These 5 Fitness Mistakes?

Do You Make These 5 Fitness Mistakes?

Stroll through any gym and you’ll notice many mistakes. Mistakes that waste time. Mistakes that put people in danger. And mistakes that are just plain crazy. Maybe you even make a few of these mistakes yourself. By avoiding these common blunders, you’ll put yourself on the fast track to results. Check out the following 5 fitness mistakes and the solutions you need to avoid danger and to get fit fast.
15 Reasons to Exercise

15 Reasons to Exercise

It’s normal to have days where you just don’t feel like exercising. You feel too busy, too stressed, and quite simply too tired. And you forget about all the amazing benefits that a consistent and challenging exercise routine gives you. I’m here to remind you.
5 Lifestyle Changes for Healthy Weight Loss

5 Lifestyle Changes for Healthy Weight Loss

Have you ever wondered…Why do so many diets end in failure? Why is it so easy to gain lost weight back? And why can’t you maintain your ideal weight at all times? Real weight loss comes with lasting, healthy lifestyle changes. So stop starving yourself, counting calories, or eliminating your favorite food group. Simply make the following lifestyle changes.
Optimal Exercise Time for Every Age

Optimal Exercise Time for Every Age

Being active is an important part of staying healthy at any age. Just by spending the optimal amount of time exercising each week, you’ll become healthier. The answer to this magic question depends on your age. Keep reading to see how much you should be working out throughout life.
Try These Fatigue Fighting Foods

Try These Fatigue Fighting Foods

Have trouble getting started in the morning? Feel sluggish in the afternoon? Ready to crash come evening? You’re not alone. When it comes to energy levels, foods and drinks that play the biggest role are carbohydrates, protein, water, and caffeine. Here’s how to include them in your diet.
5 Simple Exercises for Sculpted & Toned Legs

5 Simple Exercises for Sculpted & Toned Legs

Whatever you don’t like about your legs, it isn’t going to fix itself. So how can you fix it? Include strength training for your lower body in your regular routine.
Top 10 Exercise Ball Moves to Tighten Core

Top 10 Exercise Ball Moves to Tighten Core

An easy way to incorporate core strengthening into your exercise routine is to work the following 10 exercise ball moves into your routine.
5 Myths About Strength Training

5 Myths About Strength Training

I’ve got to warn you. There are bogus rumors going around about strength training. The truth is that strength training is one of the absolute best things you can do for your health and appearance. If you’ve fallen for these 5 myths then you’re missing out on tremendous potential results.
The Last Weight Loss Tip You’ll Ever Need

The Last Weight Loss Tip You’ll Ever Need

You’ve been exercising and eating healthy for ages, but haven’t met your weight loss goal. What gives?
How Healthy Is Your Salad?

How Healthy Is Your Salad?

Did you ever think that a salad could have more calories and fat than a serving of fried chicken? Most people believe they’re making a smart diet choice by opting for a salad, but end up sabotaging their weight loss goals.
Nutrition for Flat Abs

Nutrition for Flat Abs

So you want to get rid of some belly fat and you can’t help but be on the lookout for that magical exercise that will give you flat abs once-and-for-all. I’m sorry to burst your bubble of hope…
Healthy Sweets

Healthy Sweets

Your sweet tooth has gotten you into lots of trouble over the years. All those diets you abandoned for a slice of cake, all the extra calories you took in ‘just to have a taste of something sweets before bed. Where has it gotten you? Into pants that are another size larger. Into your doctor’s office for another lecture. Into a body that you no longer enjoy.