1 out of 2 men & 1 out of 3 women will suffer from cancer at some point in their life. We don’t say these statistics to scare you but to help understand the magnitude of this disease. In this episode, we discuss what causes cancer, the different types of cancer, and the signs & symptoms of it.
There are six different types of weight gain. How do you know which one you are struggling with? In this episode, we discuss the types of weight loss & the steps inside our 16-week weight loss journey at Progressive Medical Center.
Over the last several years, the CDC has reported an increase in obesity in the United States. 38.3% of women and 35% of men in our population are obese. In this episode, we discuss the 16-week weight loss journey Progressive Medical Center created to help fight this problem.
Allergies got you feeling down this year? Don’t worry… Dr. Agolli and Dr. Burdette discuss the types of treatments for allergies in this episode: What is a detoxification program and how can it help your allergies?
It’s that time of year again…allergies are upon us! In this episode, Dr. Agolli and Dr. Burdette discuss: The different types of allergies. Signs and symptoms of allergies.
What’s wrong with our healthcare system in America? In the final episode of this series, Dr. Agolli and Dr. Burdette discuss: How to solve the problems in our healthcare system. Why we should re-train our physicians on how to practice medicine.
What’s wrong with our healthcare system in America? In the second episode of this series, Dr. Agolli and Dr. Burdette discuss: How to hold the government accountable for our healthcare system.
In the final episode on autoimmune diseases, Dr. Agolli and Dr. Burdette discuss: The types of treatments for autoimmune diseases. How the gut impacts your autoimmune health.
In the final episode of the series on treatment for fatigue, Dr. Agolli and Dr. Burdette discuss: How to check your vitamin and mineral bottles to see if you will absorb them.