
Curcumin IV Therapy for Cancer Support

Curcumin IV Therapy for Cancer Support

Progressive Medical Center has years of experience in offering adjunct cancer support therapies. Curcumin IVs are an example of the type of immune support and anti-inflammatory therapies we offer to give cancer patients a boost concurrent with treatment and for cancer recovery.
Lyme Disease Diagnosis and Treatment

Lyme Disease Diagnosis and Treatment

Progressive Medical Center has years of experience treating Lyme disease. If you are looking for a team who really understands what you are going through and has the tools to help you, Progressive Medical Center is where you ought to turn.
High Dose Vitamin C IV Therapy

High Dose Vitamin C IV Therapy

Progressive Medical Center has a state of the art IV room for therapies like High Dose Vitamin C. Humans can't make vitamin C, so we depend upon external sources for it. IV vitamin C concentrates the vitamin in the blood stream, and more effectively delivers all of the anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant, and other effects of this crucial component of our health.
Major Autohemotherapy: Using Ozone for Health

Major Autohemotherapy: Using Ozone for Health

Progressive Medical Center is an expert at using ozone for health treatments. Major and minor Autohemotherapy are cutting-edge functional medicine technologies utilized by our integrative staff for a wide range of conditions.
Did the Holidays Wipe You Out? Check Your Adrenals!

Did the Holidays Wipe You Out? Check Your Adrenals!

Feeling exhausted after the Holidays? It might be time to get your Adrenal system checked. Adrenal fatigue means you'll get less sleep, be more stressed, and feel tired more often. Progressive Medical Center can help!
When To Consider Testing And Treatment For Toxicity

When To Consider Testing And Treatment For Toxicity

Toxicity is all around us. Heavy metals in particular pose a lifetime risk. Here's how to know when to test and treat for toxic metals.
Depression and Your Microbiome

Depression and Your Microbiome

Inflammation in the gut, and even changes in the composition of the microbiome, can trigger or suppress specific chemicals in the brain. Some of these reactions in the brain can decrease dopamine or serotonin, or other modulators of mood and energy and create states of depression, boredom, anxiety, lassitude, or other mental states and conditions. The opposite is true as well- a balanced, healthy microbiome- with the right mix of good bacteria, can result in healthy and happy mental states.
Functional Medicine Testing for the Win!

Functional Medicine Testing for the Win!

Many of us think of medical testing ordered by our doctor as something to fear because it often isn’t ordered in conventional medicine offices unless the doctor fears something is wrong. Conventional medicine also tends to have a relatively narrow range of testing they will order on a patient, at least at a primary care doctor. What's more, many of those tests are designed to show only large departures from normal- you either do or don’t have a condition- the reference ranges are designed to quickly pick out those that meet the threshold to be treated by the standard of care and for prescription drugs.