Bioelectric Therapy in Atlanta, GA

At Progressive Medical Center, we understand that chronic pain can be debilitating. We offer safe pain relief therapy as an alternative to often addictive medications. One of the most advanced and beneficial treatments for pain today is electrotherapy. This is the treatment of pain associated with disease and injury by applying comfortable electrical stimulation.

What is Bioelectric Therapy?

Bioelectric therapy is a form of treatment that uses electrical currents to manage pain and promote healing. It’s a non-invasive and drug-free approach used to treat chronic pain conditions, acute injuries, and some neurological disorders. This therapy uses the body’s natural electrical signals to stimulate the nervous system, enhancing pain relief and recovery processes.

How Does Bioelectric Therapy Work?

Electrical Stimulation

Bioelectric therapy involves placing electrodes on the skin at specific points near the affected area. These electrodes are connected to a device that delivers controlled electrical pulses that stimulate nerves, which can block pain signals from reaching the brain.

Pain Signal Interruption

The electrical impulses from bioelectric therapy interfere with the transmission of pain signals along nerve fibers. Bioelectric therapy uses a more sophisticated version of this principle, using electrical currents to disrupt pain signals.

Endorphin Production

By stimulating nerves and muscles, bioelectric therapy encourages the release of endorphins. These chemicals act similarly to morphine, reducing pain perception and creating a feeling of well-being.

Improved Blood Flow and Healing

Electrical stimulation can also improve blood circulation in the treated area. Better blood flow delivers more oxygen and nutrients to tissues, accelerating the healing process and reducing inflammation.

Conditions successfully treated with electrotherapy include:

  • Arthritis symptoms
  • Fibromyalgia symptoms
  • Sciatica
  • Shingles
  • Headaches
  • Gout
  • Carpel Tunnel
  • Stroke

Electricity is found naturally in all of us

Every vital function down to a cellular level operates according to “directions” that are generated in the brain and carried electrically along communication pathways to the rest of the body. When this communication is disturbed, the results are often exhibited through a variety of symptoms including:


Digestive Disorders

Weak Immune System

By mimicking certain electrical currents that occur in the body bioelectric medicine can prompt the body to heal and manage pain more efficiently.

Physical Therapists have consistently reported that in a month (or ten electrotherapy treatments), injured patients experience decreased pain as well as an increase in strength, range of motion, and diminished pain.

Just like most aspects of health, pain is most effectively addressed when treatments like electrical stimulation are used as part of an integrative plan for healthy living that incorporates balanced nutrition, exercise, and supplementation. When you come in for bioelectric therapy in Atlanta, GA, we create a holistic approach to your pain management and overall well-being.

Utilize the Power of Bioelectric Therapy in Atlanta, GA for Pain Relief

Our experts are here to help you reduce and minimize your pain with bioelectric therapy in Atlanta, GA. Don’t settle for addictive medications or living in pain when there are options available to help you return to a pain-free life! Contact our medical professionals today to learn more about the benefits of electrotherapy.